Remember 2010? What a year: Train gave us the classic tune, “Hey, Soul Sister” — and won themselves a (very deserved) Grammy — the groundbreaking, absolutely based-in-fact television show Ancient Aliens debuted on the History Channel, and many people on the CTA were reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
And while La Sirena Clandestina was just a twinkle in John Manion’s eye, a revolutionary game was going viral. That’s right, Icing, the popular drinking game in which certain individuals or groups of individuals are required to drink a bottle of Smirnoff Ice or any type of Smirnoff Malt Beverage was born.
2010, you gave us so much. How can we ever repay you?
By Icing some of the best bars and bartenders in the universe today. And we’ve got proof, above is a little video of one of our victims grateful gift recipients, Wade McElroy of Sportsman’s Club. Look for more installments on our icing habits. And make sure to open any suspicious packages in the meantime!